May 04, · NATURAL DISASTERS A natural disaster is a major adverse event, which can cause loss of life or property damage, and typically leaves some economic damage. There are many types of natural disasters: avalanches, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods, tsunamis, blizzards, droughts, hailstorms, tornadoes, wildfires. If an adverse event occurs in an area without vulnerable population, it Disaster Indicators their Capacity and Applicability Finance Essay The influence of natural and artificial disasters has been displayed in most societies throughout the world. As the human population continues to expand and societies become more complex, the significance of disaster prevention and mitigation has advanced to unprecedented heights Jun 10, · Natural disasters can be traced to weather-related phenomena and therefore can be discussed without any reference to politics or human social behavior. On the surface, natural disasters do not seem to be a sociological issue. However, natural disasters have sociological causes and
Natural Disaster Essay Words - Essay on Natural Disaster in English
An effective public transportation system has several positive effects including reducing local and regional energy expenditures; reducing dependence on fossil fuels and foreign energy supplies; improving the quality of life in the region as a whole; linking New Orleans with surrounding regions more effectively to stimulate clustered economic growth; and reducing income disparity by increasing access to jobs, natural disasters essays, public services, and educational institutions, natural disasters essays.
An effective transportation system is also tourist-friendly and New Orleans has historically relied on tourist dollars as a large percentage of its economy. Finally, a networked transportation system will create jobs. One of the great challenges in rebuilding New Orleans is overcoming the overwhelming setbacks that have already occurred during the rebuilding process. escue efforts were hampered by federal mismanagement of FIMA; the displacement of residents has never been fully remedied by state and federal government; insurance companies have stranded their customers, leading to deep and potentially….
References Craven, J. nd How to rebuild New Orleans. htm Fast Facts: Hurricane Katrina. html Friedman, G. Strategic Forecasting, natural disasters essays. php King, H. Rebuilding New Natural disasters essays. Natural Disasters Disaster preparedness education program Disasters take varied forms and they are bound to happen when lest expected. These are events that are not confined to any given location or region nor confined to given periods.
It is however possible to take into account the mitigation measures that are appropriate in ensuring the best precaution is observed at the times when these disasters strike. For effective care to be taken, it calls for an absolute acquaintance with various facts and precautions as well as steps and directions to take in the event of a disaster.
These can be achieved through a comprehensive education program on disaster management. The disaster of interest here is the tornadoes or storms. This is due to the frequency of such disaster, their unpredictability in terms of extent of…. Reference H. Bland, Erin S. Long-Term Psychological Effects of Natural Disasters.
A b Event management People react differently when faced with disaster, some may respond and follow the disaster response plan without a problem, other may forget key natural disasters essays and follow their own plans, the most dangerous situations however, natural disasters essays, are when individuals freeze and fail to act when disaster strikes, natural disasters essays.
Response before, during and after a disaster can be the difference between life and death. ridegan et al. Very often, adventurers and risk takers will try and approach the disaster region to natural disasters essays and experience the phenomena.
Tornado chasers for example can be at high risk due to their fascination with tornadoes. It is important that efficient and reliable plans for rescue and relief operation be put…. Bibliography Achenbach, Joel. February 8 : D. Bridegan, Gaylord, et al. Fort Worth Surveys Tornado Damage, Counts the Cost. June 10, Natural disasters can be traced to weather-related phenomena and therefore can be discussed without any reference to politics or human social behavior.
On the surface, natural disasters do not seem to be a sociological issue. However, natural disasters have sociological causes and solutions. Human technological advancements have caused dramatic enough chemical changes in the atmosphere to lead to climatic and geological changes. Those technological advancements were achieved in part due to the exploitation of laborers, a clear sociological issue. Discovering the ideal public policies related to minimizing natural disasters without sacrificing technological growth also requires a sociological mindset.
Moreover, natural disasters have definite human consequences in terms of quality of life and social justice. The consequences of natural disasters and their political causes warrant attention to the politics of commerce.
Sociological problems of natural disasters are also related to recovery and rescue operations. The sociological implications of natural disasters include…. Louis ay and iloxi with approximately 12, homes sustaining extensive or catastrophic damage. Moody, Homes in the New Orleans area were instantly washed away as natural disasters essays dikes in town broke explosively when the storm hit. Those most affected as in South Africa were those living in poverty in very poorly constructed homes.
Bibliography The Role of Institutions in Reducing Vulnerability to Recurrent Natural Disasters in sustainable livelihoods development: Case Study South-Africa Department of Social Services and Poverty Alleviation of the Provincial Government of the Western Cape. pdf Kamara, natural disasters essays, James Indigenous Knowledge in Natural Disaster Reduction in Africa. The Environment Times. UNEP natural disaster, such as a tornado, the responsibility for communicating with and caring for the population falls on elected officials and civic leaders, natural disasters essays.
Having an emergency communications network in place is essential. Communications services provides an emergency communications reserve based on a variety of volunteer skills, including administrative, technical and operational, for emergency tactical, administrative and logistical communications between the city, natural disasters essays, its agencies, and county government.
With the report of tornado damage in the neighboring town and a current tornado warning having been issued it is not unexpected that some or all of the communication infrastructure in the disaster related areas natural disasters essays be disabled or even destroyed. The main function of emergency communications is to set up communication networks so that survivors can establish a contact or can be located by the rescue teams through common electronic devices such as cellular phones.
In the case that some cellular networks are…. References Roberts, M. Florida counties experience deja vu. Mobile Radio Technology, 25 3 natural disasters essays, Retrieved from EBSCOhost. Hinton, D. An Architectural Proposal for Future Wireless Emergency Response Networks with Broadband Services, natural disasters essays. Bell Labs Technical Journal, 10 2 Emergency Plan. This is mostly experienced in case where the trauma caused psychological disorders, phobias, and depression, and this may go as far as inhibiting the natural disasters essays process of the child and even interacting with the emerging personality.
According to Newman three factors can be used to predict the psychological effects of disasters on children, these are; the child's developmental level, the child's perception about the family's response to the disaster, and the child's level of exposure to the traumatic experience. A number of studies on a child's reaction to disaster in relation to family's response have mainly concentrated on their mothers. A report by McFarlane indicated that post-traumatic symptoms in children who had been exposed to the Australian bushfires had a close relation to the anxiety of the mothers than to the exposure level.
The family's reaction to and integration after the natural disasters essays experience is therefore one of the…. References Acierno, R, natural disasters essays. et al, natural disasters essays. Psychopathology following interpersonal violence: A comparison of risk factors in older and younger adults.
Journal of Clinical Geropsychology, American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Helping children after a disaster. Retrieved 15 March, htm Bahrick, L. The effects of stress on young children's memory for natural disasters essays natural disaster. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 4, -- Bates, F. Disasters and social change. In Dynes, R. man-made and natural disasters have been a menace in the world today with traumatized people dying in large numbers.
The trauma centers have not been able to cope with this issue due to different reasons. This has brought the interest of the research because the tragedies can be minimized. Preparedness is the major area to be considered since it seems that neither the community nor the government is normally well prepared for this Gold The trauma clinics that have been set up at the local level also seem to be facing difficulties with handling of these disasters. The research will help in identifying which areas need to be specifically looked at for the proper handling of the trauma patients.
Different methodologies will be used to collect data and different objectives will be addressed. The theory is highly on a result of the medical approach to this trauma stress. References Benight, Natural disasters essays. Understanding human adaptation during traumatic stress exposure: Beyond the medical model. Gold, S, natural disasters essays. Educating and training the next generations of traumatologists: Development of cultural competencies. The field workers will be required to return every evening to rest and recharge their efforts.
When they return, there will be a debriefing session to discuss the day's events and the structure of the effort for the next day. A daily assessment will be made of the volunteers' emotional state, natural disasters essays, and decisions made regarding their position in the effort. Those who suffer breakdowns will be sent away for professional care and replaced by fresh volunteers. If a volunteer is visibly affected by the stress but not at breakdown level, I will conduct a meeting with the person to determine his or her willingness to continue being part of the program.
Natural Disasters (A Short Essay)
, time: 6:46Natural Disasters Essays: Examples, Topics, Titles, & Outlines
Jun 10, · Natural disasters can be traced to weather-related phenomena and therefore can be discussed without any reference to politics or human social behavior. On the surface, natural disasters do not seem to be a sociological issue. However, natural disasters have sociological causes and Oct 05, · Natural Disasters. Categories: Earthquake Natural Disaster Tornado. Download paper. Download. Essay, Pages 2 ( words) Views. A natural disaster is a major adverse event resulting from natural processes of the Earth; examples include floods, tsunami, volcanic, earthquakes, tornadoes and other geologic processes. A natural disaster can cause loss of life or property Estimated Reading Time: 2 mins Apr 13, · Natural Disaster Essay Words A natural disaster refers to an unexpected event that causes great damage to life and property on the earth. These are quite harmful to the environment and also may cause devastation in the life of creatures present on the blogger.comted Reading Time: 2 mins
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