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Human behavior essay

Human behavior essay

human behavior essay

Psychology and Human Behavior Essay - Words | Bartleby Human Behavior Social Psychology 2 Pages The post modern era of psychology constitutes of the period in which the new theories and researches were developed and founded in psychology from s onwards. Humanistic psychology Humanistic psychology relates to an approach which studies the whole person and the uniqueness of each individual Human behavior is the result of physiology and physical environment. Any individual can be brought into the world with the best genetic make up, an appropriate mix of X and Y-chromosomes for example, and be provided with adequate nutrition to stimulate average cell growth. However, environment must also be considered a factor in human behavior

Free Human Behavior Essays. Best Samples of Paper Topics and Titles

Human Behavior, Physiology and Freedom What determines exactly where human behavior comes from? Who is the ultimate authority that in effect, human behavior essay, evaluates the appropriateness of such behavior? What is freedom and to what extent does behavior influence freedom? What physiological and environmental factors contribute to the assessment of such factors?

Is cultural design and the control of freedom and behavior the answer to solving behavioral issues? The answers to these questions are complicated and involved. Human behavior is the result of many complex biological and physiological processes, including cell growth, adequate nutrition and hormone presence in the body.

Does it seem interesting that males and females often are cited as communicating differently? This is in part the result of the prevalence of different hormones in the genetic make up of males and females. Human behavior essay this mean that adequate levels of hormones, appropriate levels of cell growth and proper nutrition will result in an "appropriately behaved" human being?

The answer is complex. Human behavior is the result of physiology and physical environment. Any individual human behavior essay be brought into the world with the best genetic make up, an appropriate mix of X and Y-chromosomes for example, and be provided with adequate nutrition to stimulate average cell growth.

However, environment must also be considered a human behavior essay in human behavior. Even if a perfect human being were to be formed, human behavior essay, there is no guarantee that this individual will act "appropriately" as designated by society. If the environment in which a human is brought up into is filled with strife, violencehuman behavior essay, insecurity or any number of factors that disrupt the mental perspective of the person, behavior changes.

Thus human behavior must be human behavior essay on many levels. The world very effectively produces changes in human behavior, as do physiological factors as demonstrated by the following. From a physiological perspective, the pituitary gland is responsible for producing thyroid stimulating hormone, which, among other things regulates metabolism.

If an individuals human behavior essay produces too little of this hormone, human behavior essay, a person's behavior can become depressed, sluggish and cause the body to add weight. This in turn may cause the affected individual to feel depressed and ashamed, changing their behavior. Someone that was once outgoing and social may become more introverted, feeling ashamed of the changes in their body.

The behavioral changes in this example are linked to a physiological change, human behavior essay. However, it is possible that the physiological change resulted from environmental stimulus. To expand upon this idea, consider the premise that the individual in question lived in poverty. Perhaps they did not have access to adequate nutrients, which resulted in a deficiency in iodine, ultimately leading to insufficient pituitary function and thus a sluggish thyroid.

Unfortunately, time has proven again and again that no two people are alike. It is very plausible that the person who is depressed and sluggish has no physiological abnormalities whatsoever. The world in this instance produced changes in the behavior of thousands of individuals. Changes were evident not only physiologically but also in daily life.

When tragedy occurs, as does every day and in some countries and regions is more prevalent than others, behavior naturally changes. It is difficult to ascertain whether behavioral changes are the result of these purely environmental or worldly changes or more probably a combination of the worldly happenings and subsequent physiological changes that follow.

For example, take an average individual, with characteristically "normal" behavior. The person, human behavior essay, suffering a great loss and concern loses interest in every day activities, including working, taking care of the children and eating. The subsequent lack of nutrition that follows and the build up of stress hormones in the body results in physiological changes, which human behavior essay may lead to the person becoming depressed. Once depressed, further physiological changes may occur human behavior essay medications may or may not be introduced that disrupt the chemistry of the body and result in variant behavior.

The true reason that the world is slow to develop methods of dealing with human behavior is that human behavior is inordinately complex and varied. As state before, human behavior essay, no two people are alike. What causes one person to become the next Einstein and another to become a mass murderer; the reasons are complex and varied. Both may be genetically similar but have alternate external or environmental circumstances.

Today many physician's attempt The process is naturally slow. Some individuals absorb medications for example more quickly than others, human behavior essay. Many factors, such as medical historyage and weight, consumption of alcohol for example need to be considered. It is a proven fact that alcoholics absorb fewer nutrients than non-alcoholics.

This physiological aspect could alter behavior. Worldly and environmental factors however, may play a role in the reasons any one person become an alcoholic or not. Who is to say what behavior is appropriate?

In each culture and society, appropriateness is human behavior essay differently. In the United States for example, individuals respect their personal space, and it is common for people to feel most comfortable when there is a measurable distance between one person and the individual with whom they are interacting.

When greeting human behavior essay, most "Americans" would simply shake hands. However in other cultures, this "behavior" may be considered rude. In many European countries, the appropriate greeting upon meeting a friend, business consultant or acquaintance is to hug and kiss, on one cheek or both. Many Europeans human behavior essay consider American behavior rude upon first observance. Therefore, the appropriateness of behavior is contingent not only upon physiology but upon the locality and environmental surroundings in which a person is surrounded by.

There are however, universal behaviors that are considered right and wrong. Most societies and cultures would for example, consider murderous behavior an abnormality. However, in ancient times it was considered appropriate human behavior essay sacrifice human life in honor of gods and worship. This is an indication that indeed behavior in part results from the experiences and environments in which people are brought up into.

Freedom, as expressed by many, is often described as a feeling. Many proponents of personal freedom have branded "all control as wrong. In a world as described above, with complex feelings and emotions, behavior brought on by environmental and physiological factors it is difficult to argue that freedom can be truly allowed with little or not controls, human behavior essay.

Controls serve some purpose in the lives of humans, from a worldly and physiological perspective. Freedom in itself may be defined in many ways, human behavior essay. The science of freedom would likely define freedom as the ability to mentally decide what human behavior essay right and wrong, what is best and what human behavior essay unworthy for any individual in particular. Freedom is as many say, "usually defined as a feeling.

A person who has the capability of choosing where they live, what job they have, what clothes to where and what to eat for dinner may consider themselves as the epitome of cultural "freedom.

Proponents for the struggle for personal freedom may argue that in order to truly be free, human behavior essay, individuals must have the luxury to make all of the decisions in life that impact them in minor or major ways. The single mother with three children and minimum salary income, according to some, should have the freedom to steal a loaf of bread from the grocery store to feed her family.

This is according to many advocates the ultimate freedom. Physiologically however, the woman taking the loaf of bread may feel tremendous guilt as the result of her actions, causing a decrease human behavior essay serotonin levels ultimately leading to depression and as society deems, more " deviant behavior.

Controls however, human behavior essay, may also lead to further biological disturbances such as depression, decreased levels of serotonin and violent…. Philosophical Analysis of Animal-Human Interactions Both animal rights and ecocentrism discourage hunting, although for different reasons, human behavior essay. Thesis: Animal rights philosophy views hunting from a moral perspective, as the unnecessary infliction of suffering on sentient beings, no less immoral than the persecution of human beings, human behavior essay.

Ecocentrism views hunting from a perspective of self-interest, as an activity with unforeseeable consequences which could threaten the ability of many life-forms to sustain themselves on planet. Abnormal psychology is a field in psychology that addresses dysfunctions in behavior which are determined abnormally by standards of behavior. These standards have been established by clinical professionals in the field such as human behavior essay doctors, psychiatrists and psychologists.

Behaviors considered to be abnormal are; schizophrenia, depression, human behavior essay, attention deficit disorder, eating disorder, sexual deviance, obsessive compulsive disorder and anti-social disorder Cherry, These disordered function outside the normal parameters of the.

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Repressed Feelings An Abstract of a Dissertation Dream Content as a Therapeutic Approach: Ego Gratification vs. Repressed Feelings This study sets out to determine how dreams can be used in a therapeutic environment to discuss feelings from a dream, human behavior essay, and how the therapist should engage the patient to discuss them to reveal the relevance of those feelings, in their present. Learning Tools Study Documents Writing Guides About us FAQs Our Blog Citation Generator Flash Card Generator Login SignUp.

Download this Term Paper in word format. Excerpt from Term Paper : Human Behavior, human behavior essay, Physiology and Freedom What determines exactly where human behavior comes from? Read Full Term Paper. Philosophical Analysis of Animal-Human Interactions Both Animal Words: Length: 6 Pages Topic: Animals Paper : Abnormal Psychology Is a Field in Psychology Words: Length: 4 Pages Topic: Psychology Paper : How Incentives Effect the Performance of Managers Words: Length: 4 Pages Topic: Business - Management Paper : Why Only Christian Psychologists Can Practice "True Psychology" Words: Length: 71 Pages Topic: Psychology Paper :

2. Behavioral Evolution

, time: 1:36:58


human behavior essay

Human Behavior Social Psychology 2 Pages The post modern era of psychology constitutes of the period in which the new theories and researches were developed and founded in psychology from s onwards. Humanistic psychology Humanistic psychology relates to an approach which studies the whole person and the uniqueness of each individual Get a % Plagiarism-Free Essay on Human Behavior just from $13,9/Page. Get Essay. Research Paper on Video Games Violence. Many people believe video games violence to be a cause of aggression in adolescents. Many sociological and socio-psychological studies on the effect of violence on television on the level of aggressiveness irrefutably  · The unpredictability of human behavior tries to show that people are unique and operate on different ideas and backgrounds. In addition, the brain of a human being is independent to that of another person, therefore, this creates a diversity of how people think, act and make decisions. The study of human behavior requires a deep and thorough research on people in different places and

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