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Gates of fire essay

Gates of fire essay

gates of fire essay

Aug 30,  · Gates of Fire illustrates the journey towards becoming a true-blooded Spartan soldier. The education of a soldier starts at the age of 7 years old. Children are taken from their mothers in order to cut the emotional bonds between them and to ensure that they will be dedicated to only one goal- to fight for their country Gates of Fire Essay Words | 12 Pages. I. Subject Gates of Fire is a story about the Spartan way of life and their fight to protect their country. The story is told by a dying Spartan squire named Xeones, who was captured by the Persian army after the battle at Thermopylae. He is Aly Brown Military Science Gates of Fire November 8, Essay Gates of Fire Steven Pressfield. I had always wondered what it felt like to die (Pressfield page 3). Xeones, a greek captive comes back to life after sustaining life threatening injuries and being dead for several hours, is brought back to life by the God Apollo so that he can tell an infantrymans tale (Pressfield page 2), and of the battle of

Gates of Fire Essay

Why I chose this book: I have no particular reason why I chose this book. It did not seam like a boring documentary or and endless biography that goes on and on but rather an interesting read that gates of fire essay keep me interested. When I went to go check it out from training I read the summary on the back of the book and was immediately intrigued about the storyline.

I like the adventure and thrill of the Spartans as well as reading about war battles. Give a brief description about this book: This book is about a legendary Battle of Thermopylae and the Spartan culture. In BC the Persian Empire marched with a force of two million men against Greece, gates of fire essay. The two armies crashed at the narrow pass of Thermopylae. For six days the small force held off the entire Persian army, inflicting an estimated 20, casualties on the enemy.

On the seventh day the main Greek force withdrew. The remaining Spartan force and a small number of Thespians stayed giving their comrades time for escape. The residual Greek forces fought heroically to the death. The slowed Persian advance gave Greek forces added time to muster gates of fire essay and eventually repel the invasion. The armor bearer, Xeo, tells his life story from his youth as an outcast to his acceptation into the Spartan military.

While he tells that Sparta is a cruel and brutal military society he also tells of the beauty gates of fire essay love that the civilization also possesses, gates of fire essay. Tactical lessons learned from this book: Some of the tactical leassons I learned from this book come from the battle at Thermopylae. Some of the tactics that interestead me, even back in those days, is when the Spartan army first arived at Themopylae. They scouted the area to see it they could possibly be flanked by the opposing army.

They rounded up all of the random people that were not part of the battle gates of fire essay that their opposition could not use them for land navigation. The Spartans even burnned all the fields of crops so that their foe could not use the crops for rations. It is clear to me that fighting a battle is not all about who is the better fighter.

I learned that witts and logistics are key elements for victory. Leadership lessons learned from this book: One of the leadership lessons that could be learned from this book involves courage. On multiple occasions in the book the leadership tries to gates of fire essay in their men the philosophy that training for war has little to do with strengthening the war fighter physically but rather to toughen the mind. Polynikes also had the men realize that any army can win a battle with its legs still under it, it is when all strength has fled and the men must produce victory on will alone, gates of fire essay.

I learned that if I want my Marines to be the best, I have to expect the best as well as adopt this mentality so that I may lead by example. How can the lessons learned be used today: The spartans trained to achieve victory while face whith constant adversity.

We as leaders can learn from the spartans will to push through anything against all odds. So, gates of fire essay, by pushing our Marines until they give up and then pushing them more with expectaions of exelence can be a useful tool in teaching our Marines that they can jump over the wall instead of running into it.

I would or would not recommend this book to my peers, and why: The author gives interesting facts about Spartan culture, its soldiers, attitudes of religion, and gripping battle scenes. The novel is extremely entertaining and gives a fascinating insight into courage, discipline, love, and war. Based on all of these reason I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys reading of history or war.

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Gates of Fire - Spirit of the Warrior ( Steven Pressfield )

, time: 4:44

Fundamentals of Leadership as derived from examples in the book Gates - Essay - words

gates of fire essay

Essay on Gates of Fire. Words3 Pages. Steven Pressfield's The Gates of Fire is set in the fifth century B.C. in Greece. The story revolves around the famous battle of Thermopylae where three hundred Spartans held off hundreds of thousands of Persians, saving Greece. Pressfield creates a fictional story around the battle where one man, a squire named Xeones, survives to tell the Spartan Mar 10,  · Gates Of Fire Book Report Title: Gates Of Fire LCpl Yaccarine A. Jared Author: Steven Pressfield Publisher: Turtleback Books Published: This book is about the Spartans warrior culture and how it ties into the Marine Corps values, and the present day warrior culture of our Marine Corps. My opinion on this book is that it is a great and interesting read that captures the attention of the reader Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins Nov 28,  · Book Report BY LCPL SCHAFTE, RYAN M TITLE: GATES OF FIRE AUTHOR: STEPHEN PRESSFIELD PUBLISHER: DOUBLEDAY PUBLISHED: PAGES: COST: BASE LIBRARY The author utilizes his experience as a former Marine to create a story of camaraderie and dedication to one’s country, even at the cost of paying the ultimate price for a nation to be free from

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