· Facilitating Learning and Assessment. This is an important approach for assessing skills, knowledge and attitudes among nursing students (Price, ) and is complex in nature with the focus of promoting objectivity in the assessments (Bradshaw & Merriman, ) · Facilitating Learning and Assessment In Practice Essay. admin March 23, In my portfolio I will identify the current learning needs, agreement of learning and assessment of contract as well as how mentor could help in facilitating and assessment learning in my unit. It included about adult learning, strategies and suggest how the Facilitating Learning and Assessment In Practice Essay. Info: words (8 pages) Nursing Essay. Published: 11th Feb Reference this. I have been working as medical assistant for past 8 years. Have experience working
Facilitating Learning and Assessment In Practice Essay - Free Argumentative Essays For Students
I am a registered nurse based in a ward that manages spinal and orthopaedic conditions among patients. Currently, I am finalising my training as a qualified mentor. This paper presents a reflective account of my experiences in facilitating, teaching, and assessing student learning during their learning practice. It also highlights the learning outcomes drawn from the experience. Through demanding and instilling high standards of professionalism during assessments, practice-based learning makes sure that nursing students are able to effectively practice before they are registered as nurses Myall et al.
This demonstration of my eligibility to assess and supervise nursing students in practice coupled with successful completion of this training will allow me to be an effective mentor in nursing Price, In order to promote adherence to specific attributes that support assessment and learning in practice, facilitating learning and assessment in practice essay, the nursing standards offers specific guidelines that must be met by teachers, practice teachers and mentors NMC, facilitating learning and assessment in practice essay, Specifically, the fixed requirements cover standards, frameworks, and information on the approaches for assessment in nursing practice.
There standards are defined by eight domains including: leadership, evidence-based practice, context of practice, facilitating learning and assessment in practice essay a learning environment, learning evaluation, assessment and accountability, learning facilitation, and establishment of valuable working relationships NMC, Linking these domains to my own practice, I hold high regard for leadership and formation of useful working relationships.
Consideration of the imperativeness of family-centred approach to nursing care and the promotion of good working relationships demands effective leadership. To be specific, leadership in my case involves influencing others, improving nursing care, and role modelling NMC, This demands application of a situational approach to leadership when handling different leadership situations at work. However, it is imperative for a nurse to act in the best interest of the patient Price, which can best be achieved through autocratic approach to leadership.
Consequently, facilitating learning and assessment in practice essay, establishment of effective leadership and relationships require knowledge, skill, and experience and are vital in the provision of high-quality nursing care Myall et al.
The sustained pressure from clinical commitments and the limited time availability affects the process of student supervision and assessment during practice-based learning NMC, More so, there may be inconsistency in achievement, which affects the process of student assessment with regard to their fitness to practice NMC, In other cases, some students in practice-based learning do not conform to the existing support systems for instances of failure limiting their learning and effectiveness of the assessment.
In addition, the supervisor may be reluctant to fail an incompetent learner due to perception that he process is too complex or general poor assessment, this also posed a challenge in my practice. The existing nursing standards that guide learning and assessment of students in practice offer frameworks for nursing mentors.
However, the document is limited, as it does not consider all competence assessment aspects Myall et al. Therefore, some forms of assessment are subjective as much as the framework for assessment is provided due to the intrinsic nature of the nursing profession and the variations in nursing skill-set to be assessed. These issues are enhanced in situations where a mentor fails to fail instances of incompetency among learners Myall et al.
These problems are resolved through the use of sign-off mentors that offer final evaluation of the students before being accredited to be effective to service as professional nurses at the end of nursing training program NMC, Consequently, more support to the nursing standards is needed to promote effectiveness of learning assessment for practice-based learning.
This support is provided various nursing documents such as nursing guides, which offer strategies and support for practitioners in the nursing profession. The ensure the diversity of the nursing settings are accommodated during the assessments, there are several assessment approaches that can be used in student mentorship programs including mini clinical assessment exercise, direct observation, case-based discussion, and mini peer assessments Myall et al.
Mini clinical assessment exercise offers an overview of student performance of key clinical skills. This assessment approach works both in routine patient encounter as well as ward environment.
Direct observation of procedural skills involves observing a nursing student which conducting a clinical procedure where the observer provides necessary feedback at the end of the procedure. A good example of a clinical procedure that can be observed is preparation of a dressing trolley by a student. Finally, mini peer assessments encompass a team of qualified professionals that offer feedback on the performance of an individual.
There are four vital areas that cover student assessment, namely motivation, performance, skill, and knowledge.
Therefore, successful implementation of student assessment require coordination between service providers and educators to ensure the assessment approach is appropriate in terms of its summative and formative perspectives which are imperative in promoting a working linkage between theory and practice Myall et al, This portfolio outlines an assessment of the competency of a nursing student with regard to the appropriate use of pain assessment tools.
I considered this to be vital in the profession of nursing due to the importance of pain assessment skills in nursing care as it is classified as the fifth vital sign in nursing Murray et al. Considering the requirement that nursing students should actively participate in vital signs, developing this competency is vital for patient safety Price, Further, I considered this assessment to be a direct observation of a procedural skill where I was available during the whole process while offering feedbacks and assessments on the process NMC, To ensure the assessment was a success, I developed a plan that included a criterion for implementing the process as well as facilitating learning and assessment in practice essay that were used for testing the levels of understanding exhibited by the learner.
The questioned used in the assessment were open-ended to allow the student to offer the rationale behind their action path, facilitating learning and assessment in practice essay. The assessment was initiated after ensuring the ward was quiet enough to minimise the effects of a noisy setting on the assessment program. The process commenced with an official introduction between me and the student as an approach to familiarization between me and the student to minimise instances of anxiety Price, After that, I proceeded by informing the student my expectations, the timeline, and offered my reassurance that the process was not formal as I was just interested in observing the process and offering my feedback at the end of the process Murray et al.
As much as I had previous encounter with the student, lack of enough background information hampered my effective participation in the growth of the student during the practice-based learning. Furthermore, I did not clearly identify the outcomes of the assessment at the beginning of the assessment. As much as appropriate information was provided and the environment was conducive, developing a summary of discussion could have enhanced the levels of student conceptualization of the expectations as well as minimize anxiety and confusion NMC, When the student completed the first process, I asked the student several questions.
The student also effectively addressed the nursing situation at hand, as he utilised Wong-Baker pain rating to stabling the pain situation by the patient Wong et al. From the case, it was evident that I had a problem with my communication skills as I had to repeat myself severally before the student could understand what I was addressing.
I offered the student a feedback session with the aim of promoting proactive learning relation with the facilitating learning and assessment in practice essay Murray et al. This feedback included active involvement of the student in the development of an action plan for dealing with the identified inconsistencies during the assessment.
The process of provision of the feedback considered developing a positive and constructive impact on the student to assist the student in building self-esteem, cultivating a positive working relationship as well as a supportive learning environment which are important aspects that reduces anxiety during nursing practice Myall et al, This feedback was provided immediately after facilitating learning and assessment in practice essay assessment session as an approach to providing the student with prompt support and offer immediate corrective measure for any unpleasant conduct exhibited by the student during the session Zachary, Based on the assessment and my individual reflections on the outcomes, I identified various areas of my practice that require improvement.
Specifically, my feedback on the facilitating learning and assessment in practice essay was limited and did not offer the student a wider scope on improvement.
Furthermore, my speaking speeds need to be slowed to ensure effective communication, facilitating learning and assessment in practice essay. I also need to focus on developing in-depth background information about the student before the assessment as well as offering the student the expected outcomes of the assessment. In addition, asking the patient about the service will also enhance the determination of the performance of the student as well as development of an effective feedback.
Mentorship is an important leadership characteristic Zachary, Transformational leadership is founded on the ability of an individual to influence others through affecting their thinking. Adoption of this approach of leadership in nursing promotes autonomy as well as enabling the students to realise their full potential. It is also central to encouraging the development of excellent Interprofessional rapport Myall et al, facilitating learning and assessment in practice essay.
By becoming a role model at facilitating learning and assessment in practice essay through formulating solutions to problems that exist within nursing mentorship, I will be able to benefit myself as well as the student. This influence can also be transferred to other situations in the nursing environment, which will culminate to a better outcome in my nursing practice Price, Common obstacles to mentorship such as staffing issues, hectic hospital environment, and clinical commitments influence my ability to perform as a mentor and hence the development of an effective relation with the student is essential Price, facilitating learning and assessment in practice essay, ; Appendix 2.
Due to the hectic nature of the nursing environment it is challenging to get time for developing a written feedback for the student however to enhance by mentorship capability I need to establish relationship with other mentors that is founded on sharing evaluation feedback as an approach to building my scope with regard to student evaluation.
Being able to share with other mentors about feedback can also expand my evaluation to the benefit of the student. As much as this facilitating learning and assessment in practice essay is effective in enhancing a student mentorship program in hospital settings, it is challenging especially in cases where other mentors are not interested in sharing their experiences and work limiting its usability.
Promoting teamwork in mentorship can be an effective approach to overcoming this obstacle. Dealing with the problem of anxiety requires innate understanding of the student, which implies discussing with the student the most appropriate way for implementing the assessment.
This is effective as it encourages the student to be actively engaged in the assessment program and also creating a better relationship between the mentor and the student Zachary, The process of student assessment is only successful if it is administered objectively and fairly. It is also necessary for ensuring approved nurses are competent enough to guarantee patient safety.
Therefore, I am determined to ensure that students that I mentor, assess and approve and fit and competent to service as nurses in their respective fields. To achieve this, I will focus on developing a closer working relationship with the students to ensure facilitating learning and assessment in practice essay competency issues are identified and addressed timely. This is important in ensuring the students that I encounter do not face surprises later during their summative assessment or even when practicing as registered nurses.
Furthermore, involvement of the patients and their families in the assessment of my students will be a major trademark of my mentorship and assessment program as I regard inputs by the patient vital to determining the competency of the student nurse. Consequently, as much as the practice of assessment and mentorship is challenging and compound in nature, I believe that effective application of relevant knowledge and skills while focusing on the expected outcomes, it is possible to deliver efficiently in this function, facilitating learning and assessment in practice essay.
This reflection process has enriched my understanding on the concept of mentorship and its significance in the nursing profession. It has also enhanced my perception of the concept of professional and personal development.
I believe that if I eliminate the few areas of weakness that I have identified in the reflection, I will be able to offer effective mentorship and assessment for nursing students in clinical practice. Bradshaw, A. Murray, C.
Myall, M. Nursing and Midwifery Council, NMC. Additional information to support implementation of NMC Standards to support learning and assessment in practice. London, UK : Nursing and Midwifery Council NMC.
The Code: Standards of conduct, performance and ethics for nurses and midwives. London: NMC. Price B. Polit, DF. Nursing research: Generating and assessing evidence for nursing practice.
Zachary, LJ. Tags: AssessmentFacilitating Learningorthopaedic conditions. If you enjoyed this article, subscribe to receive more just like it. Including student tips and advice. Click here to ask a question about this article. Home Our Story Why WritePass? Facilitating Learning And Assessment In Practice rodrigo January 13,
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· Facilitating Learning and Assessment In Practice Essay Disclaimer: This is an example of a student written essay. Click here for sample essays written by our professional writers · Facilitating Learning and Assessment In Practice Essay. admin March 23, In my portfolio I will identify the current learning needs, agreement of learning and assessment of contract as well as how mentor could help in facilitating and assessment learning in my unit. It included about adult learning, strategies and suggest how the · Facilitating Learning and Assessment. This is an important approach for assessing skills, knowledge and attitudes among nursing students (Price, ) and is complex in nature with the focus of promoting objectivity in the assessments (Bradshaw & Merriman, )
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