Process of the Human Heart The human heart has four chambers, the right atrium, left atrium, left ventricle, and right ventricle. The human heart has a ton of amazing features. The normal heart rate for adults is / The human heart weighs twelve ounces and beats at seventy-two beats per minute it is the size of a human fist · Heart disease or Cardiovascular disease is an abnormal function of the heart or blood vessels. It can cause an increase in risk for heart attack, heart failure, sudden death, stroke and cardiac rhythm problems, thus resulting in decreased quality of life and decreased life expectancy. The causes of cardiovascular disease range from structural defects, to infection, inflammation, environment and · Heart disease primary affects individuals over the age of 55; it is a progressive disease that begins in childhood too. A. Plaque buildup in the arteries in legs, neck, brain and other parts of the body. B. Plaque buildup in arteries of the brain contributes to
Essay on Human Heart: Location and structure (With Diagram)
Please join StudyMode to read the full document. The human heart is slightly bigger than the size of ones fist. It is situated at a very safe place which is between the cage essay on the heart, i, essay on the heart. Usually it is slightly on the left side of the chest but in rare cases, it can be found on the right side. Heart is responsible for the blood flow to every single part of the body by constant contraction and relaxation of cardiac muscles, essay on the heart.
This is the reason why we hear rhythmic beats all the time, essay on the heart. Heart pumps the pure blood to the different parts of the body and then takes the deoxygenated blood from all the parts to the lungs for oxygenation, essay on the heart. Normally in a minute the heart beats 72 times. Well, let's check out heart diagram for kids as well as for adults which can help you to understand the functioning of heart better. Parts of the Heart As you can see in the heart diagram, there are many parts in the heart.
So, as we discuss the various parts, you keep checking out the parts simultaneously one by one in the given labeled diagram of the human heart. This will help you to understand the part and their functions more easily. Pericardium Human heart is covered by a double layered structure which is called as pericardium. The outer layer is associated with the major blood essay on the heart whereas the inner layer is The Human Heart The Human Heart is one of the most important organs in the essay on the heart human body.
The heart is a muscular organ that acts like a pump to continuously send blood through the body. The heart beats approximately about seventy-two times per minute of our lives. The heart is enclosed in a double walled sac called the Pericardium. The pericardium has outer and inner coats. The outer coat is tough and thickened, loosely cloaks the heartand is attached to the central part of the diaphragm and the back of the sternum breastbone. The inner coat is double with one layer closely adherent to the heart while the other lines the inner surface of the outer coat with the intervening space being filled with fluid.
There is a superficial part of the sac and is called the Fibrous Pericardium. It protects the essay on the heart and anchors its surrounding structures, and prevents overfilling of the heart with blood. Essay on the heart hearts outer wall of the human heart is composed of three layers. The first outer layer is called the epicardium, which may also be called visceral pericardium. The epicardium, the inner layer of the pericardium, a conical sac of fibrous tissue that surrounds the Print Form Anatomy of the Heart Gross Anatomy of the Human Heart 1.
An anterior view of the heart is shown here. Match each structure listed on the left with the correct letter in the figure. right atrium 2. right ventricle 3. left ventricle 5. superior vena cava 6. inferior vena cava 7. ascending aorta 8. aortic arch 9. brachiocephalic artery left common carotid artery left essay on the heart artery pulmonary trunk right pulmonary artery left pulmonary artery ligamentum arteriosum right pulmonary veins left pulmonary veins right coronary artery left coronary artery circumflex artery anterior interventricular artery apex of heart What is the function of the fluid that fills the pericardial sac?
Fluid in the pericardial sac allows the heart to beat in a relatively frictionless environment, to reduce friction during heart activity 3. Match the terms in the key to the descriptions provided below.
atria coronary arteries coronary sinus endocardium epicardium mediastinum myocardium ventricles 1. location of the heart in the thorax 2. The Heart and Circulation of Blood In this research paper, I will be analyzing the process of blood circulation within the human body. I will be focusing on the pulmonary circuit and the systemic circuit, as well as the relationship with the hepatic portal system.
The combination of these systems allows the body to function properly and maintain unconscious homeostasis. I will also be talking about the effects that fitness and diet have on these processes. The pulmonary circuit passes already-used, deoxygenated and carbon dioxide-rich blood from the heart to the lungs in order for that the blood to become oxygenized. Once oxygenized, the blood is distributed throughout the body via the systemic circuit, being transported in arteries.
With the oxygen of the blood having been diffused into tissue cells, the blood that has gone through the digestive tract enters into the hepatic portal system, while blood that has not gone through the digestive tract is transported directly back to the heart, essay on the heart. The blood that has done down the digestive tract is brought by the hepatic portal vein to the liver, to be filtered and cleaned before going back to the heart.
The cycle then begins again, as the blood in the right R E V I E W S H E E T 30 Anatomy of the Heart Gross Anatomy of the Human Heart 1.
left atrium c a b o 4, essay on the heart. anterior cardiac vein t s w x v reduces friction on the beating heart 3. superior heart chambers 3, essay on the heart. inferior heart chambers 4. visceral pericardium 5. equals cardiac muscle 7.
provide nutrient blood to the heart muscle 8. lining of the The Heart The heart is a group muscles that pumps blood throughout the blood vessels by repeated, rhythmic contractions. It is essay on the heart in all animals with a circulatory system.
The vertebrate heart is principally composed of cardiac muscle and connective tissue. Cardiac muscle is an involuntary striated muscle tissue found only in this organ and responsible for the ability of the heart to pump blood. The structure of the heart can vary among the different branches of the animal kingdom.
Cephalopods have two gill hearts and one systemic heart. In vertebrates, the heart lies in the anterior part of the body cavity, dorsal to the gut. It is always surrounded by a pericardium, which is usually a essay on the heart structure, but may be continuous with the peritoneum in jawless and cartilaginous fish. Hagfishes, uniquely among vertebrates, also possess a second heart -like structure in the tail. It is located anterior to the vertebral column and posterior to the sternum.
It is enclosed in a double-walled sac called the pericardium. It has two leaflets, the superficial is called the parietal pericardium and the inner one is the visceral pericardium. Between them there is some pericardium fluid essay on the heart function is to permit them the easy slide with the heart movements.
Outside the parietal pericardium there is a fibrous layer which is called the Heart 1. Blockage of which of the following arteries would lead to ischemia of essay on the heart apex of the heart?
Anterior interventricular descending b. Left circumflex c. Posterior interventricular descending d. Right marginal e. Right coronary 2. If the ductus arteriosus does not spontaneously close off soon after birth to become the ligamentum arteriosumit may have to be surgically ligated. When clamping or ligating it, what important structure immediately behind it must be identified and saved? arch of the azygos vein b. internal thoracic artery c.
College Essay Academy Lesson 4: Writing Your Heart Out
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· Essay # 5. Heart Rate: Human heart beats about 72 times per minute in an adult person at rest. This is called heart rate of that person. The heart rate increases during exercise, fever, fear and anger. Because smaller animals have the higher metabolic rate, their heart Estimated Reading Time: 8 mins Essay about A Healthy Heart. Words5 Pages. From the very first time the heart starts pounding until the time of death, it may beat more than billion times. The center of the circulatory system is the heart. The average heart beats , times each day, pushing around 2, gallons of blood throughout your body Although the heart is often referred to as a symbol of courage and love, it is no more than a muscular pump. From the moment it begins beating to the moment we die the heart works non-stop beating an average of 72 beats per minute, 37,, beats per year Estimated Reading Time: 10 mins
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