Apr 01, · Free essays on old age homes for good poverty thesis. An entirely refreshing option is rare; b condi- tional dependent clauses, that appear on the ideas mentioned to date, so it is always welcome for counseling. Ed the world in energy drinks has Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. OLD AGE HOMES - A BLESSING OR A CURSE There are not enough “words” in a bottle of ink to pen the words to write about the old age homes, blessing or a curse. It depends on how we look towards it. It is a coin who has two sides as "Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder" so either it can be a blessing for someone or it can be a curse Feb 27, · Essay on “An Old Age Home” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes. An Old Age Home The very concept of an old age home is new to India. An old age home is usually the place, a home for those old people who have no one to look after them or those who have been thrown out of their homes by their blogger.comted Reading Time: 3 mins
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An Old Age Home. The very concept of an old age home is new to India. An old age home is usually the place, a home for those old people who have no one to look after them or those who have been thrown out of their homes by their children. The place is of course like home where the inmates get all the facilities for a routine living, like food, clothing, and shelter.
All these necessities are well looked after but, the much-needed love, and care of loved ones is of course sadly missing; for, how can outsiders provide solace? In essay old age homes homes, it is very interesting and even touching to talk to people whether they are men or women.
At least in India till now, the old people staying away from the home, from their children, or left to themselves is not considered to be a very happy situation. This concept of separating the elders from the youngsters has been imported into India from the West. However, for the West it may not be so heart rending for, there, it is their original life style that two generations never stay under one roof.
But, in India where, for centuries, not only two but also even three generations have lived together, this new concept of nuclear families with the elders ousted, is just too touching to bear.
If, in any home we talk to the inmates, their story would be much the same-turmoil in the family disgust against the old and, finally the removal of the elders from the family scene.
It is the family atmosphere, and being among their flesh and blood that, most of the old people miss at the old age home. They do get their daily needs fulfilled but, from where will the love of the dear ones come?
The stories of almost all the old people are the same and very dismal. It is the breakup of the system of the joint family and the introduction of a nuclear family that has brought this unhappy situation enter our society, and the old age homes have had to come up to cater to the needs of the elderly Besides this, since the women have started working out of homes, there is now, no one to look after the routine needs of the elders at home.
Also with the women working out comes their attitudes towards the elders, for, today, the working women do not take the elders as their duty but as useless appendages in the family. This attitude of the women has also largely contributed to the removal of elders from families. With this backdrop, the necessity for old age homes was felt, and is being increasingly essay old age homes with the passage essay old age homes time.
The entire spectrum of circumstances has led to this unhappy need for old age homes. No matter how well they are looked after in these homes, essay old age homes, a single visit to an old age home brings depression to the onlooker as, no one — Yes, no one essay old age homes to be happy there.
It is very clear to all who visit an old age home that, all the inmates are there, not for the love of being away from home and independent but, because there is no better alternative left for them, once they are neglected and unwanted in their homes by their own children.
The only solace is that, they are getting their daily requirements of shelter and food — if not the bonds of love from the family. Working women along of taking care of their work, take care of their home and the members. This essay is completely putting working women in a bad light. Your email address will not be published. About Vision Website Inauguration Function.
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Home » Languages » English Sr. An Old Age Home The very concept of an old age home is new to India. It is also a very good platform for teachers who want to share their valuable knowledge.
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Aug 31, · Old age homes were alien in concept and elder abuse was considered a Western problem. Not any more. As life expectancy has increased from 41 years in to 64 years today, hundreds of old age homes have sprung up in India. Neglect of parents has become a big issue, so much so that the Indian government has passed "The maintenance and welfare of parents and senior Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. OLD AGE HOMES - A BLESSING OR A CURSE There are not enough “words” in a bottle of ink to pen the words to write about the old age homes, blessing or a curse. It depends on how we look towards it. It is a coin who has two sides as "Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder" so either it can be a blessing for someone or it can be a curse Jul 22, · Old Age Homes: A Lucrative Business Opportunity. Why it can be a Lucrative Business Opportunity. In the Vedic times, human life of a hundred years was divided into four segments or ashrams. A seven year old was supposed to live in Brahmacharya - ashram / gurukul or a present day distant equivalent of a boarding school till his twenties. The second quarter of his life was to be spent
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