· The first essay is a long essay on the Importance Of Newspapers of words. This long essay about Importance Of Newspapers is suitable for students of class 7, 8, 9 and 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants. The second essay is a short essay on the Importance Of Newspapers of words. These are suitable for students and children in class 6 and blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins · Newspaper – Short Essay 1. Newspapers mark the beginning of the day for many of us. They are a cheap source of information and many of us read them on a regular basis. A newspaper is a collection of folded papers that carry news about events on a daily, weekly, bi-weekly or monthly blogger.comted Reading Time: 4 mins · Newspapers are also an effective medium (means) of entertainment. They publish humorous essays and stories. Every now and then, they tell us about social matters like debates, public meetings, fairs, transport problems price levels, art, literature, religion and so on
Importance of Newspapers Essay for Students in English( Words)
Newspapers provide us with the latest news about the political affairs of the country. They describe in detail the policies of the government. They describe the activities of different political leaders. Newspapers give us useful information about the economic affairs of the country, essay of newspaper. They tell us about the prices of different articles about food production, Industrial Production, and so on.
Even proper advertisements in newspapers, besides adding to their income, introduce industrial products and job opportunities chances to essay of newspaper people. Ads are also a source of. useful information regarding rent and sale of houses and plots of land, marriage possibilities, foreign travel, and so on. They promote comparison and contribute to development. Newspapers tell us what is happening in different fields of national life, for examples, essay of newspaper, in education, religion, science, etc.
They show us the picture of the whole society. Newsnapers publish news essay of newspaper other countries. They inform us about what is happening abroad in the political, economic educational, essay of newspaper, military and other fields.
We can learn about important events taking place in the world by reading a newspaper. Thus, we learn about wars, revolutions, earthquakes, essay of newspaper, floods, etc. in different parts of the world. We learn about the different functions the UN is performing in various fields of economic uplift and international trade and relations between states.
The editorials of popular newspapers are useful commentaries on national and international affairs. Newspapers are also an effective medium means of entertainment. They publish humorous essays and stories. Every now and then, they tell us about social matters like debates, public meetings, fairs, transport problems price levels, art, literature, religion and so on.
Newspapers should try to present a true picture of society without fear or favour. They should never try to mislead us, essay of newspaper. They should criticize all those persons who are harmful to society, however, powerful they may be.
Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new essay of newspaper by email. Email Address. Of course, the press can work independently only when the public knows democratic principles and desires to act on them. So there is a need to educate and inform the public about the meaning and benefits of true democracy. They inform the people about the facts and open their eyes to the realities.
But when any newspaper begins siding with a political party or group of people for money or benefits, it starts going against the essay of newspaper aims of journalism. It is a fact that the newspapers were not so popular than they are today. The importance of newspapers can be judged from the simple fact that they are meant to: inform, entertain and educate, essay of newspaper. They are the part and parcel of every educated community. A modern man cannot think of ignoring or missing the newspaper.
A newspaper is a breakfast item for the educated people. They also reflect the picture of a society. There are many roles of a newspaper. A newspaper can be a window to the world. It brings the news of the whole globe to us. We can know about the world by just keeping an eye on the newspapers. World trends of politics, business, peace and war, social and economic can be seen through a newspaper.
The newspapers reflect the stability of the Govt. In Pakistan, success or failure of a Govt. is judged from the news and views about Govt. Newspapers are regarded as the makers and breakers of Govt. in Pakistan. Lots of political activities are seen on the pages of newspapers.
They can easily be called the political observer of the country. For a student, newspapers serve the purpose of a general knowledge book. Most of our competitive exam and interview questions are newspaper based. In this regard, can be said that a newspaper in hand is better than ten books.
A newspaper provides up-to-date and even the latest information that lots of books miss or cannot offer. Another attraction of the newspapers is that they are meant for everybody. The educated can read while the illiterate can hear the information from the newspapers, essay of newspaper.
At the people, irrespective of their age and liking can find something of their interest in the newspaper. Businessmen, teachers, doctors, sportsmen, Showbiz people and even the children all have a chance to go through a newspaper. The newspapers have a great commercial value.
They are a reliable source of propaganda, publicity and job offers. They have the permanent readership of a large essay of newspaper of political, business and unemployed people, essay of newspaper. All the roles of a newspaper are very effective and quite impressive. They can make a hero zero, offer employment to an unemployed and find a match for a bachelor. The importance and effectiveness of newspaper is quite clear.
They inform, educate and entertain all the members of a society. They are such guides as no one can afford to ignore. An email was just sent to confirm your subscription. Please find the email and click 'Confirm Follow' to start subscribing. Your email address will not be published. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Notify me of new posts by email. Subscribe to Blog via Email Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new essay of newspaper by email.
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Essay on Importance/Value of Newspaper
, time: 2:28Essay on Newspaper - Importance of Newspaper Essay for Students

· The first essay is a long essay on the Importance Of Newspapers of words. This long essay about Importance Of Newspapers is suitable for students of class 7, 8, 9 and 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants. The second essay is a short essay on the Importance Of Newspapers of words. These are suitable for students and children in class 6 and blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins · Essay on Newspaper: A newspaper is an integral part of our life. But its importance has diminished somewhat after digital development. However, people who know its influence are still buying and reading newspapers, and according to Wikipedia, India is the largest newspaper market in the world and sells million copies per blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins · Long and Short Essay on Newspaper in English. Newspaper Essay 1 ( words) Now-a-days, it is difficult to imagine the life without newspaper. It is the first and foremost thing everyone looks for Newspaper Essay 2 ( words) Newspaper Essay 3 ( words) Newspaper Essay 4 ( words) Newspaper Estimated Reading Time: 6 mins
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