Monday, May 31, 2021

Athletes as role models essay

Athletes as role models essay

athletes as role models essay

 · Athletes are morally obligated to being role models, due to the fact kid’s look up to them as inspirations for exceling in their profession, they have countless times been faced with competition, and they continue to surpass and succeed. Kids feel if a certain athlete Estimated Reading Time: 8 mins  · Athletes As Role Models Essay Paper. Words: , Paragraphs: 1, Pages: 4. Paper type: Essay, Subject: Behavior. A role model is a person who is admired and emulated by many. The term role model was for the first time used by Robert Merton after he noted that people compared themselves with others. In sports, those athletes who perform to the expectations of the fans are taken as role models Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins Athletes Should Not Be Role Models Essay According to Dr. Hoffman, "In this study, approximately 20% of high school age males and females suggested that professional athletes do influence their decision to use AS When students were asked whether AS use by professional athletes influenced their friends ' decisions to use AS, affirmative responses rose to nearly 50%

Sports: Sample Essay on Athletes as role models

We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. Words:Paragraphs: 1, Pages: 4. Paper type: EssaySubject: Behavior. A role model is a person who is admired and emulated by many. The term role model was for the first time used by Robert Merton after he noted that people compared themselves with others.

In sports, athletes as role models essay athletes who perform to the expectations of the fans are taken as role models and are emulated by their fans.

Role models are often under heavy scrutiny of the media and so the chances that their negative aspects of life are brought to the light are very high but despite this, they still shine as role models. Because of their outstanding skills and uniqueness when it comes to sports, they are admired by people of all ages, the young and the old. This research paper will try to bring an understanding to the question, why athletes are role models despite the fact that they are highly scrutinized by the media.

Most athletes shine in areas where they are even not expected to shine. People focus on what they have achieved in the past but not on that one single bad event. It is not by choice that athletes become role models but it is their status, wealth and determination that makes them admirable by the public and a case in hand is of Marion Jones who despite the fact that she tested positive to performance drugs and sentenced for six months, she still is a role model to many.

People cannot forget the achievements and good things that have been by the said athlete in the past but this is only different when it comes to sports where achievements are based on ones extra ordinary character traits but in other fields it is different, athletes as role models essay.

Lensky,Most of the things that are done by athletes outside the field are not publicized as much as those done in the field but the fact is that, although they are not reported people cannot fail to recognize them. It is their virtues and character in general that make them who they are for example their diligence, sportsmanship, perseverance and the value of training that make them to be taken as role models by many people but according to Julian Morrow, some of the character traits that make them shine such as high temperedness and dare daring behaviors make up somebody who you cannot like to stay the next door.

Schaller, T. Unlike comedians, television presenters and actors who spend much of their time on stage and televisions to be popular, the case is different when it becomes to sports because here it is their sheer ability and hard work that counts, athletes as role models essay. When people realize their uniqueness, they become attracted to them and even begin to emulate what they do or what they say. According to various surveys that have been done in the past, Lensky,78 the number of people who rely on the media television and internet to know what is going on in sports are more than those that attend athletes as role models essay live shows.

Even some people who seem to know much about sports as if they attend these shows get that information from the media. For this reason the role that media plays cannot be down played for if it does not keep us posted, then we would know very little about sports. Many athletes who are successful have admirable and extra ordinary lifestyles because they have a lot of money and this makes them to be highly envied by their fans. Due to the scrutiny that they are given by the media they are forced to act in a more responsible manner rather than how they would have behaved behind the scenes.

Some people even expect athletes to become role models in matters that do not pertain what they do in the field and this gives them a hard time to meet such expectations. Some people think that this is expecting too much. They are ill prepared for the task. Not all that the media airs is taken by the public no matter how positive or negative it is, in fact the final judgment as to who should become a role model or not lies with them.

According to Putnam 80Charles Berkley became a role model not because of his outstanding skills in sports but because of the simple reason that he initiated the public debate that was featured in the media many times. He was opposed to the role that athletes are given by the public as role models. In short, though athletes are heavily scrutinized by the media, they are still seen as role models.

It is true that almost everything that we come to know comes from the media but it is the people who know who their role model is. Media may try to paint dark the name of an athlete but still remain a role model again; this negative publicity might work to their advantage.

Another thing that favors athletes despite the fact that they are always under the eyes of the media is that they too realize that they are being watched and thus they behave more responsibly than they would do in normal circumstances.

About the author. This academic paper is crafted by Mia. She is a nursing student studying at the University of New Hampshire. All the content of this sample reflects her knowledge and personal opinion on Athletes As Role Models Essay and can be used only as a source of ideas for writing. Athletes As Role Models Essay. com, Dec 05, Accessed May 31, comDec Leave your email and we will send you an example after 24 hours 23 : 59 : Our customer support team is available Monday-Friday 9am-5pm EST.

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How about receiving a customized one? Athletes As Role Models Essay Paper Words:Paragraphs: 1, Pages: 4 Paper type: EssaySubject: Behavior, athletes as role models essay. About the author This academic paper is crafted by Mia.

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A.L.A.R.M. Athletes Leading As Role Models

, time: 3:43

Should Athletes Be Role Models Essay Example

athletes as role models essay

 ·) Every child athlete wants to be exactly the same way that their role model is. This is the same for professional athletes when they were younger. Every athlete has their own role model that they looked up to when they were younger, many will willingly admit blogger.comted Reading Time: 3 mins  · Athletes as role models Sports activity is regarded as a key trend across the globe. Participants play a vital responsibility of influencing their fans. As a result, this has made athletes to be popular due to their hard blogger.comted Reading Time: 2 mins Athletes as Role Models Essay Words | 4 Pages. True role models are those who possess the qualities that we would like to have. Role models are those who have affected us in ways that influence us to be better people. They are people who others imitate, emulate or look to for guidance. There are good role models who inspire greatness in

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